Do Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, or Low-Carb Diets Actually Work?

When it comes to food, Americans often bounce between extremes: We go all in on the Thanksgiving stuffing, then cut out entire food groups in an attempt to "compensate." It's unsurprising that gluten-, dairy-, and sugar-free diets, which were intended for people with legitimate health concerns, have gone mainstream. 



7 Famous Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct in 2017

Let 2017 go down as the year powerful men started to wake up to the idea of "consequences" for your actions. Since news broke a few months ago that former Hollywood director Harvey Weinstein had been accused of sexually harassing and assaulting women for decades, public figure after public figure has been called out for allegations of sexually abusive behavior. 



Fox Unlikely to Replace T.J. Miller in Deadpool Movie Despite Sexual Assault Allegations, Producer Says

Last year, The Daily Beast published an account from an unnamed woman who alleged Miller had sexually assaulted her when they were in college together. The woman claimed that among other attacks, Miller violently shook her and punched her in the mouth during sex, leading to a fractured tooth and bloody lip.